All new K-5th grade students must complete a placement screening. The placement screening will include reading, arithmetic, grammar and a parent interview. In addition, the student must download and complete the writing prompt for grades 1-5. Once written, please scan the written work into PDF format and email to the child’s screener. The writing prompt must be emailed to the placement test screener BEFORE your child’s scheduled placement test. You will receive an email to send the written prompt once you have signed up for the placement test screening.
All 1st-5th elementary students must complete the writing prompt for the appropriate grade level. Once written, please scan the written work into PDF format and submit the file to the placement test Screener. The writing prompt must be submitted BEFORE the date of the scheduled placement test interview.
6th-12th SCREENING
All of our tests are in Canvas. Please contact your advisor for more information.
750 N. Hickory Farm Ln.
Appleton, WI 54914
FreedomProject Academy offers a fully accredited, Classical education for Kindergarten through High School.
FPA is rooted firmly in the Judeo-Christian values, as promoted in the Constitution.