Choose from a variety of fun and interactive activities. Our unique clubs explore creativity, expand life skills, and inspire future leaders.

Weapons & Warfare

Teacher: Mr. Whitner
Cost: $50
Time: Thursdays @ 1pm CST
Ages: 6th-12th grade

Bible Study Club

Teacher: Mrs. Ware
Cost: FREE
Time: Wednesdays @ 1pm CST
Date: June 19th -
Ages: 7th-12th grade

Book Club

Teacher: Mrs. Gomez
Cost: FREE
Date: June 10th - Aug. 9th

  • Grade 3:    10-11am CST
  • Grades 4-5:     1-2pm CST
  • Grades 6-7:     2-3pm
  • Thursdays
  • Grades 8-9:   10-11am CST
  • Grades 10-12:   2-3pm CST
  • American Sign
    Language Beginner

    Teacher: Ms. Roberston
    Cost: $50
    Time: Wednesdays @ 11am-12pm CST
    Date: June 12 - Aug. 7th
    Ages: 1st grade and up

    American Sign
    Language Intermediate

    Teacher: Ms. Roberston
    Cost: $50
    Time: Thursdays @ 11am-12pm CST
    Date: June 13 - Aug. 8th
    Ages: 5th grade and up

    Click on any of the following titles to view previously offered clubs

    Actionable Ethics Club

    Cost: $20
    Advisor: Mr. Natal
    Grades: 7th-12th

    The Actionable Ethics Club provides a gathering-place for young people to learn moral precepts and ethical principles, and how these apply in the real world.

    Build with a 3D Pen

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Mr. Salch
    Ages: 7 -12

    The 3D pen club is a fun way to explore creativity while actually building things. This club covers the basics of using a 3D pen as well as more advanced techniques. We will be building actual projects each week that are fun and useful. Personal creativity is encouraged and celebrated for each project. At the end, each member will present their ultimate masterpiece, anything they want, as the final class project in a competition for the best overall 3D pen creation.

    Culinary Arts

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Chef Missildine
    Ages: 13 and up

    Do you love to cook? Do you want to learn HOW to cook? Want to hone your culinary skills and impress your family and friends? Join the upcoming Culinary Club facilitated by Chef Randy Missildine and learn all about the fascinating world of cooking, food, and nutrition. Chef Randy received his degree in Culinary Arts in 2011 and has worked in various restaurant, food service, and private chef capacities. He has four children enrolled at FPA.

    Welcome to Drama!

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Mrs. Kinsman
    Ages: 13 to 18

    Welcome to Drama is an introductory club that will intertwine the literary art forms of poetry and storytelling with the art of performance in the theatre world. We will be learning a wide range of topics within drama, from history and literature to performance and design. Welcome to Drama is an interactive study and will focus on building partnerships among members to create a learning environment that cultivates creativity and collaboration. Activities will be of high interest and engagement along with opportunities for performance. Webcams will be used at times, so parents must provide authorization for student webcam use.


    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Mr. Salch
    Ages: 12 to 18

    Learn all about starting and managing your own business of any size. A lemonade stand or a multi-billion dollar business all have the same basics. This club covers everything from ideas to funding to structure to being disruptive. Basic ideology follows the “Lean Startup” methodology. Practice being an entrepreneur with your own ideas. At the end you will submit a simple business plan about your own idea to a group of outsiders for feedback.

    Founders Recipe

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Mr. Wolverton
    Ages: 13 and up

    The Founders’ Recipe club invites people to drink from the same sweet fountain of wisdom from which the Founding Fathers drank so deeply. Using a study of nearly 15,000 writings, letters, diaries, sermons, and other documents written by the most prominent members of the Founding Generation during the years 1760-1805, students read excerpts from the 37 books cited most often by our Founding Fathers in their papers. The club — which will focus on the Top 10 authors on that list — is called the Founders’ Recipe because if you once taste a delicious cake and you want so much to eat that cake again, all you need to do is find the recipe. Simply put, we must read what the Founders read if we expect to do what the Founders did: restore our liberty and the Constitution that protects it from the brink of tyranny. We have the recipe, we can follow it, we can “make a Madison.” For decades, our educational system has claimed to be teaching the truth of our history, but to continue the recipe analogy, they’ve been substituting salt for sugar and we, the people, are left wondering why the “cake” doesn’t taste as delicious as the one we were promised was being baked for us. A person will know not only what is in the Constitution, but will know why our Founders included what’s in that document. This knowledge is a powerful tool in the hands of someone committed to repairing our republic.

    IQ Weather

    Cost: $50
    Ages: 10 and up

    In this self-paced online club, students will explore the wonders of weather with meteorological professionals through short exciting and thought-provoking videos that make learning about weather fun and engaging! You’ll ride along with professional storm chasers, experience crazy experiments, and learn about the world around you! There are 74 lessons if you desire to complete the course in its entirety, but you can choose whatever videos and activities you want.


    Cost: $50 per hour
    Advisor: Ms. Tahmiziàn
    Ages: 10 and up

    When working with students, it is not only about what they learn, but how a student is developing all around, both musically and personally.  It is my belief that something special happens when a child is given the chance to actively be in the world of music by playing an instrument; and something else, equally precious, happens in the process – the connection student-teacher-music-discovery.

    Raising Chickens, Ducks, and Turkeys

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Mr. Salch
    Ages: 8 to 18

    This club explores how to raise farm poultry in your backyard. (Chickens, ducks, turkeys, and other poultry). We will go through the entire lifecycle of the birds and how to care for each properly (including hatching!). Learn about feed, coops, health, etc. and be ready to raise your own birds this season!


    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Mrs. Behling
    Ages: 5th – 12th

    Special Topic: Beginning sewing, hand sewing

    Students will explore various forms of sewing (i.e., Machine sewing, Hand sewing). Students will learn how to operate and use sewing machines and other sewing tools. Students will learn the various uses of stitches in the correct context and application, how to read patterns, repair and mend fabric items, correctly use measuring tools, and basic geometry. Students will learn about the historical influence of sewing and modern innovations. Students will be allowed to demonstrate what they are learning through sewing samples and sewing projects. By the end of the club year, students will have working technical skills and confidence and artistic portfolios to share in competitions, home, and personal use.

    Desserts Across America

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Ms. Stair & Cameron “Soulman Sweets”
    Ages: All Grades

     Ever wonder where some of our favorite desserts came from? Our forefathers came to America from all over the world and with them came their favorite recipes. The desserts became regional favorites based on what part of the world the settlers came from. Just like many States have their own symbols like flowers, trees, and birds; many also have their own dessert. FPA student Cameron, Soul Man Sweets, is a national recognized baker and will guide us as we travel across America exploring sweet treats from different states. Each week will focus on a different region of the United States. The recipes and ingredient list will be provided before class so that we can make these together. These recipes not only teach you the how-to part of baking but also some of America’s history. This club is for all grades. Elementary students will need assistance from an adult when baking. 

    Stories and Art

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Mrs. Landsverk
    Ages: 2nd – 5th Grade

    Students will be given the opportunity to explore their creative ideas through projects relating to literature. Each week, based on a children’s picture book, we will read, discuss, evaluate, and create art work. 

    Artificial Intelligence

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Mr. Salch
    Ages: 12 – 18

    This club dives into the world of computer science around artificial intelligence in a fun, hands on, and sometimes competitive group effort. Learn the basics of Neural Networks by creating, training and using your own networks through some free software. Character recognition, games, behavior analysis, prediction, and so much more! This club is intended for beginners that want to dive deep into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence.

    Auto Mechanics

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Mr. Salch
    Ages: 12 – 18

    This club dives into the world of computer science around artificial intelligence in a fun, hands on, and sometimes competitive group effort. Learn the basics of Neural Networks by creating, training and using your own networks through some free software. Character recognition, games, behavior analysis, prediction, and so much more! This club is intended for beginners that want to dive deep into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence.Learn to understand and maintain your first car! This club explores the technology, usage, repair, and maintenance of vehicles based on the internal combustion engine. We will go through all the major components and discuss how each works. There will be some “homework” or projects each week where members go to their own vehicle and find the components we discuss in class, reporting back on what they found. This club contains a lot of automotive theory for a deep understanding of how we turn fuel into the motion of a vehicle.

    Build & Fly Drones

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Mr. Salch
    Ages: 10 and up

    In this club, each student will build a small starter drone from a kit, learn the principles of how drones work and actually learn to fly. No experience necessary. Appropriate for beginners who have never flown before, or those who have tried with marginal success. We will progress from simple exercises to complex including flips and rolls.

    Computer Performance

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Mr. Salch
    Ages: 12 to 18

    Computer running slow? Lag times? Want to know how to buy the right machine for you? This club explores the ins and outs of computer performance in a practical way yet with deep understanding. WE will dive deep into how processors work, what are cores, speed, and architecture, as well as storage, memory, video cards, network adapters, etc. Gain the ability to diagnose problems and upgrade in a smart way. Perfect for the young computer enthusiast!

    Engineering, Physics, & Electronics - Part 1

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Mr. Salch
    Ages: 10 to 18

    This is a truly unique club for those who love to explore and be creative. We will be building custom designed projects using principles of physics and electronics combined. Each member will be expected to build simple projects out of materials commonly found around the house, of their own design using the principles discussed in class. At the heart is a new electronics kit that is easy to use, reliable, and safe. Learn to be an engineer! If this club is successful, we will offer part 2 in the spring session and part 3 in the summer session where the same kit is expanded and more projects are built.

    How Things Work

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Mr. Salch
    Ages: 7 to 11

    To spark the love of learning and curiosity for how things around us work. This is a fun, high level view of normal everyday things in our live and how they work, at an age-appropriate level. Each week we dive into a new item and explore the concepts that make it do what it does. The goal is to spark an interest in learning more, while providing a foundation of understanding on which to build.

    Beginner Programming with MicroBit and MakeCode

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Mr. Salch
    Ages: 7 to 11

    To learn basic programming skills while programming a true micro-controller to do games, projects, and interesting challenges. No prior experience necessary! This is a beginner class that starts at the beginning and walks through in a true hands-on fashion. The language used in class will be MakeCode, similar to Scratch. This is a visual programming language that is super easy for first timers. The student could also use javascript or python on their own. Each student is required to purchase a Microbit controller and have a computer with a spare USB port.

    Remote-Controlled Power Paper Airplanes

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Mr. Salch
    Ages: 7 to 11

    In this club, we utilize a remote-control airplane motor and flight computer that can make almost anything fly, or can it? That is the fun exploration! Each week we will try different designs to find out if they are capable of flight or not. Build airplanes out of almost anything! What can you imagine? Paper, cardboard, foam, leaves, etc.!

    Introduction to Robotics

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Mr. Salch
    Ages: 8 to 18

    A fun filled intro into the world of robotics with hands-on activities and learning. Build a real robot from a kit and learn to program it. Learn about sensors, motors, controllers, and programming. No experience necessary! Projects in the club include basics like a “song and dance” and more advanced like “robot races” and even roaming around your house like a “pet”.

    Small Engines

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Mr. Salch
    Ages: 12 to 18

    Lawnmowers, weed eaters, go karts, generators, so many things have small engines today. Let’s explore how they work, how to maintain them, and how to diagnose and fix them! This club is a hands-on experience where you will be encouraged and guided into exploring, adjusting, and even repairing your own engines. You can participate as much as desired with weekly projects to guide you through the world of small gas engines.

    Things That Fly

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Mr. Salch
    Ages: 7 and  up

    Explore the concepts of how vehicles fly, including airplanes, gliders, helicopters, drones, rockets, missiles, spaceships, hot air balloons. In many sessions we will build actual examples of the crafts for fun hands-on experiences (paper airplanes, paper helicopters, etc.). Perfect for the young person interested in moving through the skies!

    Nuclear Science

    Cost: FREE
    Advisor: Mr. Jeff Mahn
    Ages: 6th – 12th Grade

    Project Atom, a survey course for students age 12 and older, is intended to introduce students to the field of nuclear science. There are no homework assignments or tests. Topics include basic nuclear energy science, ionizing radiation basics, biological effects of radiation, radiation risk, nuclear reactor safety, how a nuclear reactor works, nuclear energy risk, and nuclear energy’s future. Some sessions include student activities to promote the understanding of certain nuclear science concepts. The accidents at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima nuclear power plants are also presented.

    Adventures in Storytelling

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Ms. Winston
    Ages: 10 and up

    A fun writing workshop for curious writers and readers. To help students discover their unique narrative voice by developing storytelling skills, through improvisation, critical reading of selected children’s literature. Strategic writing tips will be provided with the purpose of helping students gain a clearer understanding of the creative writing process. Students will be taught how to identify good creative writing. Students will also better understand how a good story is structured, organized, and written for a particular audience and purpose. In addition, students will learn to identify the hero’s journey and how to recognize it. At the end of the workshop, students will have written a short story revealing the student’s growth as a creative writer measured by a greater understanding of the important role of the narrator’s voice in telling a captivating story with compelling characters, who overcome problems in extraordinary and unique ways. Writing is an adventure with God as the ultimate storyteller. Students will better understand the role God plays in helping them discover their particular voice as a writer.

    American Sign Language

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Ms. Robertson
    Ages: 8th – 12th Grade

    The American Sign Language Club is a beginner’s class for students interested in learning the basics of American Sign Language (ASL).

    In this interactive club, participants will be introduced to ASL vocabulary including introductions, the alphabet, numbers, days of the week, months of the year, seasons, and more. Storytelling and music will be incorporated to support learning. By the end of the 7 weeks, participants will have the tools necessary to communicate in short sentences to each other and to those in the deaf and hard of hearing communities.

    *Materials Required: Headphones and Webcam

    Please note that your child will required to enable the computer webcam video for this club in order to provide feedback on his/her use and practice of signing.

    Bible Study

    Cost: FREE
    Advisor: Mrs. Ware
    Ages: 7th – 12th Grade

    We will be studying the books of 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy – 1 chapter per week for 10 weeks. Each session will include discussion time, questions to ponder, and possibly a video to view.


    Cost: $30
    Advisor: Mrs. Petrick & Mrs. Craig
    Ages: 8th – 12th Grade

    In the ever fast-paced world we live in, knowing how to break down the news and share information is vital. What does it take to create a newspaper? In this club you will actively engage in developing all facets of the newspaper, from breaking news to classifieds and from comics to sports. We will go beyond the written word to the spoken word of podcasts and healthy social media consumption. By the end of the club’s time, we will create an entire newspaper for distribution. Those interested in journalism, creative writing, photography, graphic design, art, and business will build upon their skillsets, while having fun along the way.

    Oration and Book Arts

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Mrs. Behling
    Ages: 3rd – 5th Grade

    Special Topic: Introduction to Book Arts-Form and Story (Folklore and Storytelling); William J. Bennett’s, The Book of Virtues

    Students will explore the importance of ‘the story’ by studying William J. Bennett’s The Book of Virtues. Students will learn the historical development of traditional forms of bookmaking, forms of story presentation, and publishing processes. Students will learn about virtues, story genre, plot development, character development, storyboarding, and artistic forms of story presentation. Students will demonstrate their understanding of the virtues discussed through weekly assigned reading and associated assignments such as creative projects, creative short stories, assigned story response entries, and group discussions. Students will be able to construct an artistic presentation for their story/stories. Students will have a working portfolio to present for writing contests, artistic demonstrations, and future coursework. Students will be adept at the art of storytelling, editing, book creation, and publishing.

    Required Text:
    The Book of Virtues: A Treasury of Great Moral Stories Edited By: William J. Bennett (ISBN: 9781476761282)

The Children’s Book of Virtues Edited by William J. Bennett (ISBN: 068481353X).

    The stories/poems we will cover will be found in both books, so you will only need to purchase one or the other, not both. The significant difference is that the “Children’s” version is focused on younger audiences, whereas The Book of Virtues is focused on all ages, including adult (family- friendly) audiences. These books can be found at any major book retailer, including second-hand book shops and online stores.

    Spanish (K-5th)

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Señora Lewin
    Ages: K – 5th Grade

    ¡Hola! In this club we will learn and practice beginner conversational Spanish. We will have four mini-cuentos (stories) throughout our time together that will teach us Spanish in context. We will begin with sentences right away, and you will have the tools to write a mini-cuento on your own by the time we end. We will also supplement our time with other Spanish activities, music, and the interests of our group. ¡Bendiciones! (Blessings/God bless you!)

    Spanish (6th - 12th)

    Cost: $50
    Advisor: Señora Crum
    Ages: 6th – 12th Grade

    This club is for all of those who would like to learn and practice Spanish. Students of all levels and proficiencies are welcome! We will be going through different aspects of the language like listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. We will be using interactive activities to help students feel more comfortable communicating and using the Spanish language. We will also incorporate activities that introduce the cultural aspects of the language so that students can get to know the many different people and places that use Spanish every day.

    I am excited to be a part of this club and go on the Spanish journey with you! ¡Dios les bendiga! (God bless you)