US History II: Homeschool


Mr. Jerry Stadt


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This course considers in detail America during the Pre-Civil War, Civil War, and Reconstruction periods, and concludes with an examination of the period of industrialization that under-pinned American greatness in the twentieth century. U.S. History II complements the history by examining a key text: Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, first published in 1835, a brilliant study of our national government and character. De Tocqueville’s observations about the need for virtue in elected officials are particularly prophetic


  • Basic History of the United States by Carson: Vol. 3 The Sections and the Civil War (1826-1877)
    (ISBN: 9781931789110)
  • Basic History of the United States by Carson: Vol. 4 The Growth of America (1878-1928)
    (ISBN: 9781931789127)
  • Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville
    (ISBN: 9780865978409)
  • The Constitution
    (ANY COPY)
Level Junior High
Assignments Yes
Quizzes Yes
Tests Yes
Class Length 30-36 weeks
Video Length ~30 minutes
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Mr. Jerry Stadt

Mr. Stadt graduated from Cedarville University and began his career teaching American History and Social Studies at a high school in Ohio. After several years he took a position with an international corporation as the manager of sales training.

During his business career he worked in sales management, marketing positions and ended his career as corporate director of Innovative Process training. Retiring in 2012 he now has the opportunity to return to his first love, namely, teaching the history of our great nation.

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