US History I: Homeschool


Mr. Jerry Stadt


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U.S. History I provides an in-depth study of our country’s founding, from Colonial years to the War of Independence to the birth and infancy of our nation. American Studies I offers an introduction to important founding documents: The Law, The Declaration of Independence, and George Washington’s Farewell Address, including a thorough look at the lives of those who signed the Declaration of Independence. During the course, students develop a clear and factual understanding of this critical era in our nation’s history.


  • Basic History of the United States by Carson: Vol. 1 The Colonial Experience (1607-1774)
    (ISBN: 9781931789097)
  • Basic History of the United States by Carson: Vol. 2 The Beginning of the Republic (1775-1825)
    (ISBN: 9781931789103)
  • Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence by Lossing
    (ISBN: 9780925279453)
  • The Law: The Blueprint for a Free Society (5th edition)
    (ISBN: 9781572465534)
  • The Boston Massacre: A History with Documents
    (ISBN: 9780415873499)
  • The Essential Federalist & Anti-Federalist Papers
    (ISBN: 9780872206557)
  • The Constitution
    (ANY COPY)
Level Junior High
Assignments Yes
Quizzes Yes
Tests Yes
Class Length 30-36 weeks
Video Length ~30 minutes
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Mr. Jerry Stadt

Mr. Stadt graduated from Cedarville University and began his career teaching American History and Social Studies at a high school in Ohio. After several years he took a position with an international corporation as the manager of sales training.

During his business career he worked in sales management, marketing positions and ended his career as corporate director of Innovative Process training. Retiring in 2012 he now has the opportunity to return to his first love, namely, teaching the history of our great nation.

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