Latin III: Homeschool


Mr. Marc Devoid


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Continuing the journey of Latin grammar, Third Form Latin begins with a review of the material in the First and Second Form before completing the verb paradigms for all four conjugations in the indicative active and passive voice. The study of grammar is balanced with fascinating readings from Roman history.


  • Third Form Latin Student Text
    (ISBN: 9781615381456)
  • Third Form Latin Workbook
    (ISBN: 9781615381173)
Level Junior High
Assignments Yes
Quizzes Yes
Tests Yes
Class Length 30-36 weeks
Video Length ~30 minutes
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Mr. Marc Devoid

Mr. Devoid is the Headmaster of Saint Augustine School, a private Catholic school located in Hartford, Wisconsin. In addition to his administrative duties, he has taught high school Latin, theology, philosophy, and literature since 1995. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Classics from Saint Anselm College (Manchester, NH) and a Master of Arts in Theology from Holy Apostles College and Seminary (Cromwell, CT).

Courses other than Latin that he has most enjoyed teaching include British Literature, Ethics, Philosophy of God, and two preceptorials, namely, Saint Augustine’s Confessions and J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. Mr. Devoid has been a Latin teacher with FreedomProject Academy since 2012.

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