7th Science: Homeschool


Mrs. Jessica Martinez


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Recognizing God as Creator of the universe, students experience a systematic introduction to the sciences, encountering such subjects as physical science, archeology, geology, and paleontology.


  • Apologia General Science 3rd ed. (soft cover)
    (ISBN: 9781946506573)
  • Apologia General Science Student Notebook (3rd ed.)
    (ISBN: 9781946506306)
Level Junior High
Assignments Yes
Quizzes Yes
Tests Yes
Class Length 30-36 weeks
Video Length ~30 minutes
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Mrs. Jessica Martinez

Mrs. Jessica Martinez holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from NC State University. After working for a few years in technical instruction and technical support, she and her husband decided that she should stay home and raise their children. Mrs. Martinez and her husband have 4 amazing children that keep her busy! In 2011, after a move from North Carolina to Texas, she started homeschooling. She couldn’t stay away from the Carolinas long though, her family moved back to North Carolina in 2013 where she continues to homeschool her children.

Since being home, she has been able to keep her math and science skills fresh by tutoring students of all ages and teaching classes at her homeschool co-ops. She loves helping her children with their math and science assignments!

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